Registration Information
Registration Fees
There is a one-time family registration fee of $175 per family due at the time of registration.
All fees are non-refundable.
Registration fees are a once-a-year obligation and are non-refundable. Classes range from $70 - $85 per class.
Monthly Payments
The school year runs from August to May. Tuition costs are priced for the full school year but can be paid in nine monthly installments from August through April.
Tuition paid in August will cover both the months of August and May (or be collected as a drop fee if the student does not complete the school year).
Each monthly installment should be paid by the fifth of the month. If not collected by the fifth, please include a late payment of $10.
Registration fees are non-refundable and Tuition refunds will not be granted once classes have started. However, if a class is dropped before it has started, a partial refund will be issued.
By Semester (two payments):
Two payment installments can be made, the first being at the time of enrollment (or no later than August 9th, whichever comes later) and the second on December 1st.
Tuition paid in August will cover the month of May (or be collected as a drop fee if the student does not complete the school year).
Please include a late fee of $10 if payment is not received by the fifth day of the month.
Registration fees are non-refundable and Tuition refunds will not be granted once classes have started. However, if a class is dropped before it has started, a partial refund will be issued.